Part 2: Is Busy the New Normal?

CalendarLiving at a Manageable Pace

Last week we asked the question, “Is Busy the New Normal?” Together we looked at some signs to indicate you are too busy. This week we will explore how you can regain control of your life and begin to live life at a more manageable pace.

Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. Therefore the issue is not having enough time but having too many things to do in the time you have. How can you best use your time and avoid becoming too busy? Consider the following.

Plan a weekly calendar. This may sound simple and you may say, I do know my appointments. However, this is not about knowing your appointments but about taking control of your time. If you do not intentionally plan how you are going to use time to live life at a manageable pace, I guarantee you that others will use your time for you.

If you do not plan how you want to use your time on a daily basis, family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances and extra-curricular activities will monopolize your time by having you do things out of urgency and guilt.

Decide which tasks you must do. While you may have many roles and responsibilities, you may not need to be doing all that you are doing in those areas.Take some time to evaluate what you must do. For example, no one can be a parent for you, or a spouse for you. The same is true at work; you are responsible for your work. But within your roles, ask yourself what you absolutely must do and what you are able to pass on to others.

Learn the fine art of delegation. Learn to trust others to do tasks that you would normally do. This requires you to trust the people around you to do what they are asked to do.

We must make clear three things when delegating:

  1. The person to whom we delegate a task must know what is the end product,
  2. must have the resources to achieve the goal, and
  3. must have the power/authority to do the task.

One of the struggles we have with delegating is the tendency to not give others the freedom to accomplish the task in their own way.

Develop routines. This may sound simple, but having routines is a sign that you are controlling your time. Routines also help you consistently do the things that are important; such as

  • personal development time (quiet time, exercise, intellectual development),
  • family meals,
  • down time for rest and re-energizing.

Make yourself accountable to at least one other person. As you strive to   live life at a reasonable pace, it would be helpful to keep yourself accountable to someone who will help you stay on track.I am accountable to two groups of men who help me live life at a manageable pace. I weekly have to account for my mental, emotional, physical and spiritual life. I also have to account for relationship to my spouse. I know that without this level of accountability, I would be busy without accomplishing what really matters. Been there, done that.

Have you been living your life with the new normal of busy? Are you always on the go and always tired?

I challenge you to take some time today and take at least one step toward managing your time: plan a calendar for the next six days (which includes deciding which tasks you must do); find at least one task to delegate (keeping in mind the requirements for delegating); seek to establish a consistent routine, even if only in one area); or find at least one other person who will hold you accountable to your commitment to manage the pace of your own life.

If you would like help in achieving your goals in any area of your life, call us at 208-880-0307 or email us at to schedule a complimentary coaching session. To read Errol’s other posts, visit Christ-Centered Life Coaching.

Photo credit: Mike Rohde via photopin cc