asleep at computerSleep is more important than food. Those of you who know me must be wondering if I have lost my mind. But I came to realize you could go a week without food and the most you would lose is weight. Try going 24 hours without sleep and you are unable to function effectively. The research is overwhelming that most of us need seven to eight hours of sleep nightly to feel rested, have more naturally sustained energy and focus better. An incredibly small number among us can survive on seven hours or less sleep.

You delude yourself if you think you can stay awake until all hours of the night, consistently get less than seven or eight hours of sleep, and be fully rested and functional.

Here is the challenge most of us who are sleep deprived have to face: We have no idea how dysfunctional we are until we start getting sufficient sleep and see the difference in our productivity, alertness, focus and energy.

We have become a culture of energy drinkers, spending billions annually on energy drinks to make up for energy loss due to sleep deprivation, lack of rest and proper eating. Using these artificial means to regain lost energy and gain focus only leads to habit forming behaviors and the illusions that we are performing at our best.

In reality there is no substitute for getting the right amount of sleep.

When we lack energy and focus, tasks usually take at least twice as much time to accomplish. We can also be irritable, impatient and easily angered. I am not saying other things do not contribute to our lack of energy and focus. However, for many of us sleep deprivation is the major cause of our lack of energy and focus.

Tony Schwartz reminds us that even though we are living in a fast-paced, information-overloaded, technological age, we are not computers.

Unlike computers . . . human beings aren’t meant to operate continuously, at high speeds, for long periods of time. Rather, we’re designed to move rhythmically between spending and renewing our energy. Our brains wave between high and low electrical frequencies. Our hearts beat at varying intervals. Our lungs expand and contract depending on demand. It’s not sufficient to be good at inhaling. Indeed, the more deeply you exhale, the calmer and more capable you become.

How are you doing with the expending and renewing of your energy? Are you working long and sleeping short? Living like that is equivalent to making constant withdrawals from your bank account without making sufficient deposits. You will eventually go broke. Some of us are already broke and may not realize it.

You can regain your energy and focus starting today by making sure you get at least seven to eight hours of sleep.

Take this one week challenge: For seven consecutive days make sure you get at least seven hours of sleep nightly and avoid the energy drinks. If you do not experience an increase in energy and focus, then you can go back to your normal routine.  Disclaimer: Withdrawals from energy drinks may skew the results!

Let us know how you do with the challenge by emailing us at  or hit us up on Facebook with your comments.

Call us at 208-880-0307 or email us at to schedule a complimentary coaching session. To read Errol’s other posts, such as Becoming a Wounded Healer or Being the Best You can be for Others, visit Christ-Centered Life Coaching.
Photo credit: Aaron Jacobs via photopin cc