Meddling Alert: In Control . . . or Being Controlled?


Apparently, what was meant for our good now seems to be working against us. One such case in point is the advancement of electronics. The idea was that with the arrival of computers, tablets, smartphones and cloud storage, life was supposed to be easier and more convenient.

We can now move and store information like never before, and we don’t need one sheet of paper to do it. We can be reached anywhere at any time and information sent to us instantly. Incidents taking place a world away can be seen as they unfold by people worldwide. You can meet “face to face” with people from around the globe in virtual reality.

Slow Down . . . or Be Slowed Down

Praising at BeachWe live in such a busy culture that slowing down to regain perspective is often seen as getting in the way of the goals we have set. Unfortunately, it often takes loss of perspective, a crisis and a forced break to enable us to see that slowing down was not a hindrance to the goal. Instead, we now see that slowing down should be something we do on a regular basis. We all can point to a friend, acquaintance, family member or even our own lives as examples of the casualty of living too fast without giving time to assess how we are living.

What are some of the consequences of the fast-paced living of our day?

Desires—No Middle Ground


4449585823_c8893f33e8_zI recall the years of struggling with sexual addiction and calling out to God to take away the sexual desires, and wondering why He didn’t. After all, I thought, this was my struggle and God is supposed to help me to overcome my struggles! I did not realize that I was asking God to make me less of a human than he created me to be.

I was asking God to remove or help me overcome something that is natural. To desire is to be human; it is how we were created.

As Henri Nouwen wrote: “Desire is often talked about as something we ought to overcome. Still, being is desiring: our bodies, our minds, our hearts, and our souls are full of desires. Some are unruly, turbulent, and very distracting; some make us think deep thoughts and see great visions; some teach us how to love; and some keep us searching for God.”

Recycle Your Pain

Pin Love --PainIn the city where I live, as in many cities, recycling is a routine way of handling the millions of tons of trash produced daily in the United States.

Recently the leader of our Celebrate Recovery said, “God is in the recycling business; He recycles our pain.”
That statement is not new or original with this leader. It has been used in lessons for Celebrate Recovery and other recovery programs for years.

But as I heard the statement this time, I saw parallels between the process I go through in order for the city to recycle my garbage and how God recycles our pain.

Looking Out for Whose Interest?

2708448633_e4e1688e70Philippians 2:3-4 NIV
[3] Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, [4] not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

What would happen if we all were to live our lives with these two verses as guiding principles? I wonder what would happen in our homes, workplaces, neighborhoods, churches, communities and nation.

I will be the first to admit that living like this is tough, very tough. I know this in my head, but the reality does not always make it to my heart. This is especially true when I feel I am being treated unfairly.

The Comparison Trap

5615544772_5d4a9516f8_bHow many times have you said, “I wish I was as talented as or as good with something as so and so?” We have all said it at one time or another. It is part of the human challenge of always comparing ourselves with others.

We compare ourselves to our parents, our siblings, friends, co-workers, teammates, spouse, classmates, etc. We go through life comparing ourselves. We compare for dozens of reasons such as, wealth, health, job, appearance, race, religion, and gender to name only a few.

Are You Stuck?

1591803996_1d7820a64d_o2016 is already 10 days old. How are you doing in achieving the goals you set out to accomplish this year?

Are you able to move forward as you had planned or are you already feeling stuck, perhaps you are ready to give up or at least renegotiate those goals? If so, take heart; you are not alone. Doubtless many are feeling as you do today.

I want to challenge you to look at why you are stuck and what you need to do in order to continue moving ahead with your goals for 2016.

Got Conflict? 3 Essential Steps for Resolving Conflict in Relationships


twins fight over booksTry as you may, you cannot avoid conflict in relationships. It is a natural part of our human existence. Since conflict is a part of our existence, you need to figure out how best to deal with it rather than try to avoid it.

When all you do is try to avoid conflict in a relationship, you are only allowing it to get worse. The longer you wait or the harder you try to avoid it, the worse the conflict will become.

I recall a conflict with a colleague when I worked as a manager at a call center. Rather than dealing with it immediately, I started avoiding it. The end result was I ended up distancing myself from my colleague and our relationship became rather awkward. I lacked the tools to manage the conflict. I know better now and have developed some tools, so I always try to deal with conflict as soon as possible because I value relationships.

First Steps to Fully Embracing Who You Are

writingLast week I talked about how our struggle to truly embrace who we are is at the core of our difficulty with trusting others.

I want to offer a few suggestions to you in the process of fully embracing who you are.

Get out of your head. We all have the tendency to live in our heads. When you think about it that really is the worst place to live. In our heads we come up with the worst scenarios about our situation and ourselves.

When living in our heads, we seem to focus on our negative experiences, the things about us we do not like and do not want others to know about. We are usually not afraid to trust others with what we are good at or when we have a good idea. But we struggle to let others know about the negative or less than wonderful things. The truth is all people find themselves living here sooner or later.

Why We Find It Difficult to Trust Others

Trust thrown in airWhy do you find it so difficult to trust others? Why do you find it amusing when a child is honest and trusting? You were once like that child, completely trusting and honest with those around you. What has transpired from childhood to adulthood that now makes trusting others so difficult?

I have spoken with many people who say they know they need to start trusting others but they don’t know if they can. When I ask why, the typical answer is, “I am afraid others would judge me or not like me if they get to know the real me.” They also fear letting others know that they are struggling.

Why do we find it difficult to trust others with who we are?