Recycle Your Pain

Pin Love --PainIn the city where I live, as in many cities, recycling is a routine way of handling the millions of tons of trash produced daily in the United States.

Recently the leader of our Celebrate Recovery said, “God is in the recycling business; He recycles our pain.”
That statement is not new or original with this leader. It has been used in lessons for Celebrate Recovery and other recovery programs for years.

But as I heard the statement this time, I saw parallels between the process I go through in order for the city to recycle my garbage and how God recycles our pain.

Successful Leaders Empower their Followers

7650804342_9715bb425fTo empower others is a good thing as long as you don’t feel threatened by that empowerment. And no place is that more true than in the role of being a leader. The word “empower” is threatening to many leaders because they often feel empowering those they lead could lead to their own position being threatened.

Successful leaders have learned that, without the empowerment of those they lead to both get the job done and to develop and grow, they will not succeed as leaders. If empowerment is so vital to success, why do so many leaders resist it?

Results . . . or People?

Good conversationLeadership is first about those you lead and secondly about the results you achieve. So, are you focused on the task to be accomplished or the people under your leadership who accomplish the task? Many successful leaders will tell you that it was only when they became people-focused that they were able to achieve the success they did.

Some leaders hold to a popular idea which says, “When you show up for work, leave your personal problems at the door.” If this was possible you would not have embezzlements, affairs, fights, drugs and alcohol abuse in the workplace. Many leaders who hold that point of view do not want to know about the personal struggles of those they lead. Very often these same leaders are seen as uncaring and demanding.

It is unrealistic to expect the employee whose child is home sick, or who found out over the weekend that their spouse is having an affair with their best friend, to show up to work and check their personal problems at the door. Yet too many leaders expect those they lead to respond like this.

Looking Out for Whose Interest?

2708448633_e4e1688e70Philippians 2:3-4 NIV
[3] Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, [4] not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

What would happen if we all were to live our lives with these two verses as guiding principles? I wonder what would happen in our homes, workplaces, neighborhoods, churches, communities and nation.

I will be the first to admit that living like this is tough, very tough. I know this in my head, but the reality does not always make it to my heart. This is especially true when I feel I am being treated unfairly.

The Comparison Trap

5615544772_5d4a9516f8_bHow many times have you said, “I wish I was as talented as or as good with something as so and so?” We have all said it at one time or another. It is part of the human challenge of always comparing ourselves with others.

We compare ourselves to our parents, our siblings, friends, co-workers, teammates, spouse, classmates, etc. We go through life comparing ourselves. We compare for dozens of reasons such as, wealth, health, job, appearance, race, religion, and gender to name only a few.

Are You Stuck?

1591803996_1d7820a64d_o2016 is already 10 days old. How are you doing in achieving the goals you set out to accomplish this year?

Are you able to move forward as you had planned or are you already feeling stuck, perhaps you are ready to give up or at least renegotiate those goals? If so, take heart; you are not alone. Doubtless many are feeling as you do today.

I want to challenge you to look at why you are stuck and what you need to do in order to continue moving ahead with your goals for 2016.

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2016!

34410398_1e2d30c25c_oAs you enter into this New Year, my question to you is simply this: What do you hope for in 2016? Or, stated another way: What do you desire for your life in 2016?

One thing I hope for each of you reading this blog is that each of you will be one year older in 2016!

On a more serious note, I know the idea of resolutions is not particularly effective or motivational. As a matter of fact, many of us do not even want to hear the word resolution used around this time of the year because it has been abused and misused.

Thank You … and a Gift

11492278626_73ea209749_zI want to begin today’s blog by saying thank you very much for your support. Thank you for reading my blogs and for offering feedback. My hope is that during the past year you have been challenged, as well as found help and encouragement for your life and ministry while reading my blogs. I know there are numerous choices of blogs and posts for you to read, so I offer my sincerest gratitude to you for taking the time to read my blog. As I look to next year, my goal is to remain faithful in this ministry by continuing to provide help, encouragement, and challenges for you.

Facing Opposition as a Leader

argueHow prepared are you to deal with opposition?

Too many leaders, when facing opposition, leave their responsibilities and move on to a place of less opposition. In some cases, this is because they are not prepared to deal with the hardships they come up against. Some leaders believe that leading should be without opposition because they have the authority and power to lead and make decisions; they believe people should follow them, not oppose them.

Being a leader in God’s Kingdom is never without opposition. In Matthew 5:11 we read that Jesus