Painting a Picture of Healthy Organizational Culture

9718507502_b4bd6b93b3_zWe have been looking at the culture of the organization over the past two weeks. Last week I suggested some ways to improve the culture of your organization. In this final blog on organizational culture, I want to suggest what a healthy leadership team should look like when the culture is good.

In an organization with a healthy culture, all members will have respect for one another. Humility and openness will be evident from top to bottom. No one will use their position or power as a means to treat others with disrespect. Everyone matters, therefore, everyone is valued. Everyone has a right to be heard, and their opinions respected whether other members of the team agree with it or not.

In a healthy culture, there is an environment of accountability and responsibility. When things are not done, mistakes are made, or deadlines are not met, there are no excuses or blaming. People take responsibility and work to make corrections. Arriving late or being unprepared for the meeting does not lead to excuses and blaming of others. People in an organization with a healthy culture take responsibility for their actions.

An organization with a healthy culture manages conflict well. Conflicts are not left to fester within the organization but are dealt with immediately. People resolve conflict quickly and face-to-face, no use of email to blast another in anger. Neither is the rumor mill used to destroy another’s reputation out of anger. Forgiveness and reconciliation are two critical values in an organization with a healthy culture.

In a healthy culture, departments are not siloed. There should not be turf wars such as fighting for your budget, your office space or your staff. This kind of narrow thinking is a sign of an unhealthy culture within the organization. Instead, there should be an environment of cooperation, holistic thinking, and integration. For the organization to succeed everyone has to be working toward the same goals; therefore, everyone should be operating as one team to achieve the purposes of the organization. There will be a sense of cohesiveness and support.

When the culture is healthy, morale is high. People want to be a part of the organization. They enjoy coming to work and working with each other to accomplish the goals of the organization. They take a personal interest in each other’s well-being. There is natural tendency to help out each other to avoid long working hours and burnout, or to cover for each other when someone has to be gone unexpectedly.

Does your organization have a healthy culture? Is it a place where people enjoy working, where they feel respected, honored and supported to give their best in helping achieve the organization’s goals?

Ask your leadership to read this blog and prepare to discuss it. Use the time to evaluate the present culture of your organization. Celebrate the things that are working and work on the things that are not in order to create a healthy culture.

If you would like help in achieving your goals in any area of your life, call us at 208-880-0307 or email us at to schedule a complimentary coaching session. To read Errol’s other posts, visit Christ-Centered Life Coaching.

Photo credit: University of Salford via / CC BY